Local Representative
Local Representative!
Local Representative Partnership is specially designed for business owners and legal entities, which are ready to enclose their own funds and start their own office on their premises. The representative can either use their existing office or a new office to represent us.
This offer is for qualified partners who can promote Mekness in their local area. A local representative must be able to manage a local office and has all the basic understanding necessary to work in the Forex industry can work with Mekness and offer their services in the country.
Mekness will assist you in office promotion and helps you in assisting the website for the online Forex trading. The assistance is continued for a longer process and covers all aspects of trading.
This program is designed in such a way that local representative can earn a generous part of its income as an incentive within minimum operating costs. It is a big opportunity of starting a good business for people who are not ready for initial investments as the company takes responsibilities of all kind of support and maintenance of back-office and operation.
Benefits of the Local Representative:
Requirements to be Local Representative:
If you are interested to become a Mekness Local Representative, fill out the form below and upload your business profile. After this, we will contact you in the next five days to discuss the opportunity regarding our further cooperation.
We invite you to meet Mekness investment world. You can follow the steps below to be an online investor with us.
You can fill the free demo account form on the side to open an unreal account and try the market without any risk.
You can apply to open a real account to enter the world of investment.
After depositing the initial investment you can easily start to trade.